Sincere prayers answered by Gopal




Gopastami occurs on the eighth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Kartika. On this day lord Sri Krishna became a qualified cowherd. Before this day, he was a keeper of the calves.  Krishna one day decided that he would take care of the cows and He was just 6 years old.  Nand Baba and Yashodha Maiya were against that and worried how could  this little boy with small delicate hands take control of such big cows.  This doubt, for the Supreme Lord on whose little finger the entire universe dances. 

Krishna was very adamant about His decision, to graduate from taking care of calves to the cows.  Finally, the family priest was called in and asked ….

About Divine Light

A closer look at any activity will reveal the truth that one's own contribution to it is negligible compared to the things provided by nature and the role of the unseen hand in facilitating it.
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